Quake... They just don't make games like this anymore...
Your standing there, with three portals lined up in front of you.
Above each portal, are the words: EASY, MEDIUM and HARD.
Me, being the person I am, thought:
“Oh well, hard of course…”
I spent the rest of that night with my eye balls out of there sockets staring intently at the computer monitor.
This has got to be one of the most immersing games ever. You play each level playing as if your life depends on it…
Anyone who likes blasting, nailing, electrocuting, exploding, your enemy to pieces will love this game. Don’t get the wrong idea, this game isn’t just about blasting the opponent in front of you, you have to think carefully about your next move. Also the level structure is amazing. There are four dimensions and in each there are about 10-15 levels. Each level is very original, and the atmosphere very much suites the game. They just don’t make games like this anymore…
The graphics are a bit (I stress, just a bit) dated now, although they very much suite the game. There very good considering the game was made in ‘96. You could compare this game to DOOM, but this just beats it in every way. Right, now to the arsenal: Axe, Shotgun (Gun you start off with), Double barrelled shotgun, Nail gun (Hell yes!!!), TRIPLE Barrelled Nail gun (!!!), Grenade launcher, Rocket launcher and last but not least, the Electricity gun. This stock of Beelzebub’s own arsenal can be used in many ways, for example, to bounce grenades around corners, or the electricity gun (What ever you do, just don’t fire it while your under water…). Also the monsters are brilliant and range from Grunts to Ogres, to huge lightning throwing beastlings. What’s the whole point in the game you ask? To survive. At the end of each dimension you collect a rune. Once you collect all four runes you… I’ll leave that for you to discover…
Overall, Quake is a BRILLIANT game. Anyone whose into FPS must have this game, although it maybe hard to find, considering how old it is. Its well worth playing and will leave you on the edge, or off, your seat.
Review by Anthony Collier, a.k.a. yaxXxy.