Gory but fun. The best shooter since doom came along. Another revolution in the gaming industry. Read on!!!

User Rating: 9 | Quake PC
If you love shoot em ups that are gory as can be and that pack a whole lot of fun, then this is the shooter for you. This game has revolutionized the horror shoot em up genre that many of doom's clones tried but so miserably failed to achieve.

The graphics make the game that much more gory, with pixelated blood flying everywhere and as scary monstrosities slash viciously at you. The sound is good with the satisfying click of a shot gun to the moans of the zombies unfortunate enough to cross your path.

The game play is good to with deathmatch or cooperative games online or via a network using levels from the story altered to allow all 9 weapons to be available. Also the game features four varying difficulties (Easy, Normal, Hard and the dreaded Nightmare difficulty).

All in all, an excellent game that gives Doom a run for its money