A lot of good memories in this game...

User Rating: 7.5 | Holy Magic Century N64
Yes, this game brings me back... Errr, anyways, to give a professional point of view...

Graphics: The graphics are really great, one really unique thing about this game is that every single character in each village looks completely different from everyone else. The graphics are truly an amazing part of the game.

Sound: The music might not have a lot of instruments, but they're still really nice. They did come up with great music even if it is just a few instruments, it's not how many instruments you put in a song, it's how you use them, and I'm speaking partly as a musician as well.

Story: The story isn't too unique to be honest, but in other ways, it sort of is. Basically, your father has been missing for a long time. You must go out and find him. The storyline almost completely changes later on into the game.

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty fun for a while. It's really cool how you can use many different techniques from four different elements. Fire, Earth, Wind, Water. Some problems with the gameplay though is that it can get tedious. Some of the rooms can be completely worthless, except for the fact that you'll probably know what the storyline is or something, but sometimes they can just be completely empty. There are a few secrets in the game such as hidden gems and sometimes treasure chests as well. But one thing that can be a pain is when you almost always run into a monster without even a break. Though, you can try escaping as well which kind of is irritating. One more thing that's irritating is the fact that after you win the battle, you kind of get lost of what direction you are going, and have to get used to the fact that Brian jumps towards the way of where you were going.

That's all I really have to say about the game, it has it's downsides, but I think it's a really fun game to play.