Not so great as Quest for Alliance 1
I want to say few words for Q.F.A. 1 as it deserves so much. If you give it a play you'll get hooked with its graphic, its world and its battles.
Because the review its not reported in Q.F.A. 1 (even if I would want too much to make one) I will begin with Q.F.A. 2
The game does not deserve a lot as by no means for its graphic and the motion speed of game in the beginning is very fast and perhaps you will be complicated in the first battles because you will feel that you fight straight with opponents of bigger level.
Exists big variety of arms and fast you change level and this t is good if you want to advance more fast. You will meet mediocre in size of map and perhaps you perplex yourself and you search a lot in order to you find entries and exits.
In general lines the game are good, the handling is easy after fifteen with thirty minutes and very likely you will love the game.