Oh, what a disapointment.
I've played Splinter Cell 3D, Rayman 3D, Pilot Wings 3D, and now this game, Rabbid's 3D.
The game is a straight forward platform game, with no real goal apart from get from A-B, while collecting coins to pass ahead to secret levels, or unlock a few new customes.
The game play is very simple, A to jump, X to attack, R button to sprint, and D-pad/thumb stick to move.
The game goes from being very simple, to right down boring. You'll soon notice everything feels the same, on each new level with maybe one or two new aspects, which aren't all that great interesting.
You will also find, if your using the Thumb-stick, your going to mess up often with this jump and ground slam when you press down while during a jump... Meaning you'll have to sometimes result in using the d-pad instead.
Also, with the sprint button, for some odd reason, it wont allowe you to jump right of the bat from pressing the button, and you'll end up missing plenty of landings because you've over shot em, or that you've landed and slid of the small platform.
This game is a huge disapointment for me, it doesn't show any aspect of 3D, when using the 3D glyder, it improves the screen's res, making it look smooth, like a low standard of HD, but from what i saw in the 30 or so levels i played, there wasn't anything 3D (as in popping out the screen).
If your looking for a game to show of the 3D feature, get Rayman 3D.