Possibly the worst game ever!
If you've ever played a game that's really bad, I mean really really bad. Mulitply that level of miserable badness with about 27, and you have an idea of what Race Drivin' is like. Gameplay: The game is played like any other racing game, but the fact that the framerate is so goddamn low, means that controlling your vehicle is almost impossible. Sure, you can stay on the road in the straights and soft corners, but when it comes to doing loops (there are stunts on the race tracks) and other stuff, you're pretty much left praying to the gods. There are also only a couple of tracks included, one worse than the other, and four cars (the only difference between them being automatic or manual transmission, and about 20km/h speed difference).
Sound: There is no music, but that doesn't really matter, because it probably would have bee dreadful anyway. The engine sounds like a moped being rev'ed up, and the only other sound you hear is when you crash into something, which is presented by a "CHUG!" sound. Awful.
Graphics: As I mentioned earlier, the graphics are not bad for a 16-bit system, with polygons and all. But when the game is so poorly optimised, that the framerate compromises any attempt at playing this game with just a tad of seriousness you have to wonder what the hell THQ was thinking, releasing this. I would really like to know how the devil this game ever made it out to the public! It has no gameplay value whatsoever, and the only this it has going for it is its general badness. The game should almost be cult, it's that bad, really. Normally I would discourage playing games this bad, but seriously you have to try this game!!! All other bad gaming experiences will pale compared to this, perhaps you will even end up with a new found appreciation for some other games that you thought were bad. Not much else to say, really.