For starters I was very excited when I first heard of this game, seeing as how 177 PLAYABLE charecters can lend a lot to charecter dvelopment and player/charecter bonds. I was slightly niave to think that 177 charecters would really get developed but thats besides the point. Like the qoute said the Radiata world was very interactive, not as much as Morrowind, but the charecters all were at different places during the night and day (though it was a preplanned route, and once commeted to memory charecters were easy to find.), everything was kickable and sometimes offered nice little prizes, and the verryation of how to get some of the charecters (rangeing from a delivery boy quest, to just talking (or talking with certain charecters in your party), story driven plots, and randomly kicking people. Every named charecter in the world is befriendable but one has to go threw the game at least twice to acquire everyone (more on that reasoning later.) The plot was solid and with a bit more development and closing it could have been a lot better with loose ends beeing tied up (maybe i just missed the side quests that did that but i dont think i did). Though somewhat linear the plot takes a twist into two different branches. Non-Human This was the path i took for the first time threw and it was an interesting story to go threw (and somewhat heart wrenching to have to fight old friends.) The final dungeon was a pain in the butt and was probably the most annoying dungeon i have ever played threw (constant ladders and slides bringing your from start to finish back and forth. The final boss is difficult without 99 of Moon stones or you can go old school on him and find his attack counter attack patern (oh the good days of bosses). The ending seamed to be the only way it could be threw this path but was kinda scetchy. Human Havent played threw this yet but i plan to soon, i'll edit the review as soon as i do. All and all I really liked the game and will play threw it more then once more. The game had a fantastic touch of humor and sarcasm which a lotof rpgs seam to be lacking lately. +'s 177 Charecters New Game Plus Humorous Story Interesting Charecters Great Battle System Very Interactive World -'s Big world easy to get lost in. Doesn't Carry Weapons and Lvl's into New Game Plus. No way to speed up time.
Awhile back I was looking at reviews of RPGs, trying to see if there were any decent ones out there I missed and should consider playing. After reading some reviews of Radiata Stories it looked like the kind of RPG I'd ... Read Full Review
I believe this game has been under appreciated and overlooked. This game offers a good, long, entertaining experience. Mind you this game may not fit everyone's tastes, but for RPG fans and certain others this game shoul... Read Full Review