wow,one of the best game i have played so far...
i really like this game very much ( or maybe its just that i like ridley's charactor), thus if possible...i would recomment this to my friends
this gameplay is relativity short tho....wish it was longer.....with the story of what happen after they return to town.......but then i still like it anyway
the game might be much more intesting if we are able to control our character as well (especially ridley^.^) since sticking with jack all the time is rather boring.the battle system is easy to understand enough ( got used to it after 2 battles),due to the fact that it doesnt have complicated stuff such as summoning etc.....but the commend system is abit tough to understand...
overall i will give a 10/10 for this game...since i like it alot and caused me to write a review about it