has everything that makes a rpg a good rpg.

User Rating: 10 | Radiata Stories PS2
radiata stories defintely has earned its place among my other favorite rpgs such as ff7 and fable: lost chapters. this game before i even played had already contained some of my favorite things in life.

1. it was a role playing game
2. it was designed anime like
3. it was published by my favorite rpg making company

yup, those are pretty much why i already liked the game so much. yeah i know square enix don't always have the best games, but i still depend on them to try to create the best. when i actually played this game, it reached all my expectations that i hoped it would. it was fun because it contained action rpg elelments, it had great sound to go with the surroundings, the story was good like always. i have to admit i don't like the fact that there are two endings for this game and i ended up liking one ending and hating the other. and not only that, the story overall was too short. i think it would have gone a good 10 hours more. even so, this game is worth the money in your pocket and is a keeping for anyone's collection of great rpgs.