one of the most amazing video game experiences I ever had...
"Radical Dreamers" is a some kind continuation of "Chrono Trigger" in which appears familiar objects and characters (well one character but still...). Also it have a strong connection with "Chrono Cross" (characters and music). It's a story of three adventure seekers - Serge, Kid and Magil (good old Magus) who went to Lynx's Viper Manor to steal Frozen Flame and take revenge on Lynx fro what he did to Kid. But what will they find in the manor is far more they expected and were prepared for...
Technically it's very simple game, you just read text and watch pictures and choose command from time to time. In basic style remind of old Shadowgate but with less options and not so easy to stuck in one point and don't know what to do. Game is very easy and it's hard to die (it didn't happen to me never while playing). Fights are quite schematic and when you learn method to kill specific kind it goes quite smooth. You fight using commands like "attack", "magic" or more complicated like "roll over and stab a goblin with a knife" but such appears in specific situations and depend on kind of opponent and choices you made during fight. Graphic is very good. It's usually static screens or simple animations but they have great design and are very well made, pity only there is no animations during fight but that's a part of imagination that I will write later.
Music is awesome! Well I don't have to say too much. Just if you know OST from "Chrono Cross" than most of tracks will be very familiar to you. Also I love those sounds that accompany us while walking when there is no music and only quite sounds that make so great atmosphere in this game...
If I had to point weak points than for sure lack of more complicated animations during fights and quite shallow interaction. And lack of map that can be pain at the beginning. Reason why I love this game is the atmosphere that it creates and feeling of reading a good novel. It's like interactive book with beautiful images and wonderful music (that regular books don't offer). it involves player's imagination, that is not so usual thing in video games. Also ending was wonderful and made my cry (and before that only "Metal Gear Solid" and "Final Fantasy VI" was able to do that). it's a wonderful and magical experience, that offers a lot if you only give some time to it. Not everyone will like it, but I believe it's worth trying to play it and see can you feel the magic of it....