Finally some kung-fu! But, wait, no catching flies with your eating pins?

User Rating: 7.4 | Rag Doll Kung Fu PC
I got this game because i LOVE the ragdoll technology, I'm addicted to hit 3D models with a stick or kick them so hard that they fly miles away. Ever since I saw the first movie released about this game here on GameSpot I fell in love with it.

But after I got my hands on it, it just wasn't all that and then some. The game sure made you feel like it was Kung-Fu we were dealing with, but the gameplay was just, lacking. The atmosphere in the game is extremely well done, with a retro-feel in it like no other game. But then again, the gameplay lacked something.

I was hoping for a game with much content and this was really not my cup of tea. I really gave it a try, tried to like it as much as I liked it when I first saw a movie from it, but it just couldn't be done!

The unrealistic movement of the characters was part of the game, but puling your character and the constant use of your mouse got annoying.

But here's one thing i can give the game, it was VERY original. Nothing I have ever seen before, and if you are into beat 'em ups and like using your mouse a lot, this surely is a game for you.