Fun Card MMORPG. Read my review. Enter this code " hpf35690 " after tutorial 2 get 100K & 1 Rare to start.
If you like MTG, Culdcept, Yugioh and Anime Artwork this game is for you. The game is free to play and highly addictive. The game starts by asking you to choose a side. Human, God or Demon. Don't get too hung up on this because the cards you get vary and you will get a mix of all. You get a boost thou if you use the same cards in your battling deck as your affinity (Human, God or Demon), so it is recommended to stick with your affinity. You can trade, evolve, enhance your cards. It is a pretty addictive game, some reasons to play are because of the:
1) Artwork;
2) Quick style of play;
3) Abundant amount of different cards to collect;
4) Amount of options and different limited timed battles to join;
5) Ability to trade, enhance and evolve your cards; and
6) Fun factor, keeps you wanting to get a better deck.
Don't sell your cards but instead use them to ehance your favorites, any card with 3 stars or more on the left corner is a Rare and up. Rare cards can enhance your favorite cards better than regular cards. Try a 8 card evolving system or enhance your cards to the max before evolving and you will get a 10% bonus instead of the 5% bonus without a Lvl max evolution.