Rage of Bahamut is a terrific way to kill time, and a highly addictive card battler with amazing card art.
My referral code which the game will prompt you to enter upon completion of the first quest (just clicking the screen, nothing too in depth yet, that comes later with battling and orders) is: mgn09052. Again after the quest at prompt feel free to enter mgn09052 to get a bunch of currency and an angelic knight rare card.
Now on to the review.
Rage of Bahamut is a collectible card game with similar game mechanics to yu gi oh. Your cards have attack and defense stats and you can evolve or enhance them by combining them with other cards. Your higher level cards will also have stat boosting abilities that are either self contained or apply to some or all of the cards in your deck. You put together a deck of 5 cards and then use said deck to attack other players or defend against other players. You can specify different decks for different situations. In battle you can win or lose rupies the in game currency as well as try to take other players treasures that are gained through questing. Questing is simply clicking through a picture at pop up enemies, you gain rupies, treasures and cards by doing so at the cost of a stamina bar.
Questing also helps you gain levels. Leveling up and completing quest phases allows you to allocate attribute points for three bars. You have a stamina bar, and attack bar and a defense bar. Stamina allows you to go through quests, and progress in that fashion. As for your attack and defense bars, each card is assigned a power value. Your attack and defense bars represent the pool of points you can field a deck of attackers or defenders and gets drained through battle. I find that I like having at least double the attack power necessary to field my deck as this allows me to attack twice in succession. All bars refill over time at a starting rate of 1 point per minute. This can be decreased by leveling cards in your deck to maximum, which in turn can be achieved by feeding lesser cards to the cards you want enhanced.
As for the cards themselves the art is wonderful, and keeps me coming back to the game. The card changes in looks as well as statistics with every evolution, sometimes subtly sometimes pretty wonderfully. Again I can't say enough good things about the card art. As for evolution, it is done by fusing two cards of the same type together. You can maximize the attribute gain of evolution by enhancing your cards fully before evolution. You can also further increase statistics by combining two cards of a higher evolution level, though the gains become minimal after a point, as every card has maximum statistics. There are guides that better illustrate the above, with a step by step walk through and attribute gains.
Truly this game can eat up a huge amount of time but as you are battling, trading with and talking to other players you can at least pretend it's a social activity :). The game does however do a good job of rewarding you for the said time wasted, with events and holy wars you can gain top level cards as well as limited offer cards. They also fairly regularly release new cards so your deck will always be evolving, either through trade or gain over time.
There are also orders in the game which are player groupings that afford statistic bonuses, these orders allow you to participate in holy wars which are basically strategic battles between orders. I can't speak to this as I have yet to join an order but there are impressive card rewards for participation.
If you like collectible card games you will like this game. The card art is great, and while the battle system certainly can't be called overly complex, it's a great way to kill time playing on your phone. You can put as much or as little time or money into this game as you want. It is important to remember that the game isnt going anywhere. There is really no need to shell out a ton of money up front for cards, or items. Take your time, build your deck as you are able, join an order to earn prize cards, carefully consider trades, and remember that it never hurts to do a net search for the value of a specific card, especially of that card is a high rare, SRare or SSRare card.
Also remember that this is an online game. You will always have people who try to rip you off, or annoy you. But these can be resolved fairly easily with time, patience and thought. The game is free to download and try out. So if you like card games give it a shot, it can be fun and pretty addictive and of course in with the bad there are some pretty decent people that play, and will help you out. Don't forget to use a referral code at the end of the first quest it's a good rupie boost and the card is good to start out, and again has some of the best artwork in my opinion. My code is mgn0952. Feel free to use it and enjoy, just don't get too addicted.