Good, addicting game. Some beginner tips and a referral code inside for bonuses!
My referral code is on the video, but if you don't want to watch and just want to use a code to get a boost, (Every code gives you the same bonuses) here's mine:
You use the referral code after you complete the tutorial that just gives you a basic rundown of how to play. It's very simple and takes no more than 5 minutes.
It's a fun time waster that has beautiful artwork. I've been addicted for a few days now and it doesn't feel like it's going to go away. You can play this game without spending a single cent if you're smart with trading and stuff like that.
Some beginner tips: Spend most of your early points on Stamina until you have about like 50 of it. Then you want to build up your defense. At around that point, you can start farming 2-2 for cards to evolve into what are known as "Feeder" cards. People buy sets of 9 of these for about 3cw/1hp/150k. Cure Water and Holy Powder is the unofficial currency used for buying cards from other players.