Free & fun card collecting/battling game. Some nice benefits when starting enter referral code "ypm59073".
The game is fun, you start off by choosing sides. God, Demon and Man are available. Dont let the game choose for you, it will suggest a side for you when creating your character, go with your likes. The side you choose will affect the bonus of the cards when battling. Cards with the same attribute as yours will get a 5% attack or defense bonus. Keep reading for more descriptions on the cards before choosing a side.
After choosing sides, the game itself will reward you with rarer cards that you will need to enhance your battling/defending ability with timed Order battles and special quest. Orders are teams that you join to help defeat other Orders. Join one asap so you can reap some nice benefits.
The cards have special abilities and the rarer the card the more potent their attack/defense/abilites are. The cards are beautifully drawn. If you like sexy then the Demon side is for you, God cards have delicate beauty and Man cards are both but not extreme in either. It might be that Demons are more attack sided, while Gods are more defensive and Man is a mix but I dont really see a difference. Go with how you like your cards drawn.
Parting words, have fun and try not to waste too much money buying cards, part of the fun is in accomplishment.