Don't be afraid to give this one a try, even if Revolution disappointed you.
If you've played any other one of the Ridge Racer games (or any racing game) you should be familiar with the story by now. You race on a few tracks and your goal is to cross the finish line before your opponents do.
You'll probably be familiar with the gameplay in Rage Racer as well. It's the same fast-paced arcade-style racing that was in the first two games. There's nothing new here, in other words. Namco have added some new content though. From the races you win you'll earn prize money that you can spend on buying a new car or tuning up your older one. This is a nice feature, and it makes the gameplay seem somewhat new.
One thing that has been highly improved since the last game is the graphics. When driving into the tunnel on the first track, you'll notice a waterfall looks absolutely gorgeous and realistic by Playstation standards. The night settings also look spectacular, with turned on lights coming from the buildings in the background and smoothly looking lightning effects. The music is also very catchy, just like it's always been in the Ridge Racer series, and this time the music consists only of new tracks, so it doesn't consists of remixes from the original Ridge Racer.
There are two main things that hold Rage Racer's potential down. The first one is that there are only 4 tracks which are recycled over and over again, the exact same problem that the previous games had. The second one is that whenever you hit a car from behind, that car will shoot in further forward while your car will lose a tremendous amount of speed.
Overall, Rage Racer is a great game that is definitely worth a look. The gameplay might be the same and the same 4 tracks are recycled just like in the previous games, but at least it's better than recycling the prequel, isn't it?