Story could use some work but still an incredible experience!
While rage excels in the category of art and engaging the player in the post apocalyptic world, it does not do very well in terms of story execution. While the levels are great from a shooter aspect, I just feel like the story was an after thought. I just got the impression that they spent 85% of their developing priority on art and only about 15% on the actual story. While i had a great deal of fun during rage, i just can't really remember what exactly i was fighting for.. I kind of just felt like a soul-less individual who's main purpose was to do everyone elses bidding for them. There really is no parts of the campaign that sticks out above the others. In the begging there was a boss fight that lead me to believe it would be one of many, but that actually ended up being the one and only boss. There was nothing in the campaign really unique or original, every level was just "get something for someone" and shoot your way through hundreds of enemies for a small reward. You eventually become part of this "resistance" that you hear so much about which ends up being nothing but some girl, some marshall guy, and another shirtless macho dude.. all of which do not help you do any tasks. They constantly talk about things like "this is the most important fight we have all been waiting for (meanwhile it is just you who has to go take care of it alone). Its just funny how nobody helps you do ANYTHING. And i would like to think i am a pretty good listener and i usually always can pick up what is going on in games, but in rage i just could not get a full understanding of whats going on.. You just plop down from space and just constantly risk your life to help complete strangers get things like pints of beer or herbs for their ailments?
The guns are really awesome however, the sounds, the recoil, the different ammunition types. Also being able to craft items is what really keeps me interested. You get the opportunity to make some really great items in rage. It makes looking for loot really addicting and enjoyable. Also upgrading vehicles is a lot of fun too, its nice to earn upgrades from racing and actually seeing first hand how the upgrades effect your gameplay. However the actual races themselves are a joke because of how easy they are. Even the so called "hardest" races you can win with your eyes closed.
At the end of the day rage is still a great game and one you will not soon forget. I highly recommend you purchase this game because of how often it goes on sale on steam or other game websites. You won't regret buying this game. It took me 20 hours to beat the entire campaign
Oh yeah and the scorcher add on DLC is implemented perfectly! It changes the course of the game from beginning to end! And the scorcher base is gorgeous!