One word describes this game BORING

User Rating: 5 | RAGE X360
Im an honest gamer. I like first person shooters. I played BFBC2, all the repetitive COD games. I enjoy the RPGs, Fallout/ElderScrolls. I also enjoy the hybrid RPG/FPSs like borderlands and those type of games, and this game doesn't come close to any of those games i mentioned. This game is way worse than Brink and homefront when it comes to excitement. Graphically it **** on those two games but it lacks a leveling up system and other main things that make games great these days.

Well lets start out with the good -The shooting and movement mechanics are pretty damn good
- Graphics are amazing but other than those two features the game is just down right slow and boring. *I am currently still trying to think of the positives even after ive written this review.

The bad
-Crappy amount of weapons and they are all pretty freaking basic and lame
-Quests aren't really anything special at all. the main quest leaves you wondering why you are even playing the game.
- NO map once you reached yur destination
-You feel confined to small areas in combat
-you cant jump on a lot of the objects like cars and other junk laying around
-Side quests are the same **** boring ass ****
-the buggies and other vehicles are on some duke nukem **** stupid and repetitive garbage
-I didn't expect to be playing some dumb combat racing game. -all i gotta say about the multiplayer is that it sucks.
-the enemies aren't as smart as they are saying in the other reviews. They just run towards you until you blast em with yur shotgun
-You run out of ammo most of the time and if you leave the area where you are doing your quest you lose your progress and have to restart
-the save system is on some SNES level where you have to save constantly or else yur ****
-too many times you have to load some new dumb area and it takes awhile which leaves you sitting on a load screen. -no leveling up system, or customization at all whatsoever
-nothing innovative about the game
-i can go on and on about the bad to be honest so that's enough for now.

basically a lot of these other reviews are full of crap. This game is no where close to an 8. Don't be fooled into buying this pathetic game. Honestly you will be very disappointed and extremely bored. They can easily make this game way sicker with better quests, less loading, leveling up system, and better co op gameplay. Save yur money for the real games coming out soon. Rage fails.