ID = Identity Crisis?
They started with Wolfenstein back in the 80's then Doom then Quake and then more Quake and now after many years of silence they give us Rage...
Rage is not Fallout since you don't even have a decent map, no stats no huge world to explore, in Rage you go where you are told, you can't wonder anywhere you like.
Rage is not Quake, there's to much driving in it and too much chit-chat.
And on top of all of that the release version for the PC was unplayable. And all dear Mr Carmack has to say was "We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games"
You know what Mr Carmack? you can shove Rage where the sun doesn't shine!
I still have the boxes for Quake and Quake2, treasured the CD's for a couple of decades, I don't remember any XBox consoles back in the day.
Still the game is definitely not bad, but I think anyone would have a better time with a good old-school shooter or a Fallout game.