Nice game, Unfair rating

User Rating: 8.5 | RAGE PS3
Honestly this game suck me in and i start playing it and have this feeling that i dont wanna stop until i see what next.... I played deux and really its unfair to rate that game as 8.5 and this game as 8 !!!!! I find out that some ratings are really unfair however i bough any game rating from 7 and above and this game is really deserve more than 8....... now am playing this game again feel after 16hrs that manythings missing and i wanna do more jobs and go explore more. I recommend this game for anyone wanna real fun and believe me wont regret it...
the only problem in the game the saving coz u have to do it alot and the loading its take few seconds but also its alot. other than this i dont see anything bad.... the game is a master piece. And expect a very nice part 2 for this game and maybe with special features PS3 move can be added. And more new weapons and maybe adding a remote control plane bot !!!! guess so ;) but its nice to give ideas ;)