I've read some reviews of people saying the game is really bad giving 3/10 scores.And that's not true.

User Rating: 8.4 | Ragnarok Online PC
I've read some reviews of people saying the game is really bad giving 3/10 scores. Some people said the game LAGs alot , and some seconds eraly they say they played on Private Servers (which is illegal) and that's why they lags. Then there are ppl that use BOTs but in Original RO they get banned so they must pay again, and in Private Servers , the owners use Anti-Bot system. The good thing of the game is, there are lots of classes ,trancendent class, and other stuff like that. Also you have Base Level and Job Level, Job is for your class, and base is for Stats. You start as a Novice , in the Novice Grounds where you r able to lelevel up ,when you get till Job level 10 , you are now able to Trade send Emoctions, Open Chat Room, and now you can make the Quest to Job Change from Novice to other classes like Mage Swordsman Acolyte, etc. Then you level up your job till 40 or 50 and jobchange to next class, if you choose mage you can now choose Wizard or Sage. Each class has their own great skill and powers. While killing mobs they loot items , and sometime they drop Cards.
Cards are like Enchant to your Armor/Weapon/Footgear/etc, which give additional stats or skills.

Graphics 8.5/10

This game has great 2D graphics. at the first look is kinda - wtf? - but when you start playing is just Plain and Fun. And the Anime-Look of the graphics makes it even better.

Sound 9/10

The sound on this game is great, every single map has theyre own Theme which are really good. In cities it is a calming music , so you can relax a lil from killing mobs,The skills and attacks have a good sound too, and animations also.

Gameplay 7.5/10

After playing lots of MMORPGs for me those new 3D stylish games looks always the same but this game let me play it more and more and more....i play it since it get released, i played a lot the stopped coz i think it was boring, but a friend of mine started playing it , and...i started a lil too , just to help him, an d i played for e great time again, and now im playing it game.
At the begging is a lil hard to get used if you never played a game like this, but after a little of playing is nice.
The PvP / WoE system are great and let you play even more.