Railroad tycoon. Pretty much RT2 with better graphics. All other it's an kickass product.
Game has a nice interface. And good gameplay along with graphics and the spirit of gaming.
It's excellent for rainy days, to play again those awesome games. It's a big satisfaction to watch how cities grow bigger and are more important when you add them to your railroad system. Gameplay is really good. Laying tracks is anything but annoying. It is very easy. New trains are good too. And very tactical AI tycooners. Graphics are great for the tycoon. Cycling day/night, having a good/bad weather is a nice addon. It surprised me with it's above average water reflections. Anti aliasing is probably good too. Talking about that game. It can run on very low end computers but it's still good for med-low computers even within like ati AIW 9800/GF6200. This game is really excellent, and if you like tycoons, i would strongly recommend this game to you especially if you got a bit old computer not a first class.