Rainbow Moon DLC saves the game

User Rating: 9 | Rainbow Moon VITA

Recently, PSN added the Rainbow Moon dlc with the black ring. This might be the savior for that game. The black ring add double experience which avoid the grinding necessary to progress. You can just do the regular fight without having to grind an extra hour just to progress. This makes the game enjoyable and fun. You can complete the main storyline in 30 - 40 hours but this isn't really what rainbow moon is about. The post game is really where you get your money's worth. That's another 40 - 50 hours of pure enjoyment. First, you level much faster than before, you get ultimate weapon and fight enemy that increase in difficulty. You go on epic quest to unlock levels (like after you complete the game, you get the level 150, then you do a quest for 250 and so on). You also have to go through locked zone which hide statues for shop. The amount of things to do in this game are countless. For 4 $ and DLC that makes the game easier, that's the best 9 $ I ever spent. This made me look forward to rainbow skies. This is the cheapest 100 hours of fun you can get out there.