It's alright I guess

User Rating: 7.3 | Rakion PC
Rakion is an action game that requires strategy (not).

This game has no variety, sorry to say. The main purpose of this game is combat. Nothing else. It falls into traps of such other MMO's such as there's nothing to do except for fight, level up, and get better equipment. That's pretty much all you do in the game. In combat, you have 2 weapons. Ranged and melee. Ranged is weak unless you're an archer. You choose out 5 classes. Warrior, Archer, Mage, Blacksmith and Ninja. These characters have a different purpose in battle. For example, the Warrior and the Blacksmith dive straight into the heat of the battle and protect the others. The Ninja skitters around the boundaries looking for a good spot to come in and grab someone and do a combo. The Mage casts powerful and extremely annoying spells to do serious damage to the oppenent. The Archer sits and snipes, once in a while going in with her sword to fight. While this may sound somewhat fun, it's not. It's extremely repetive and boring. This game has very little strategy to it even though that's what the creators emphasize. What strategy is there? The one a I mentioned above is the only real strategy or tactic that works. You can do "stages" which are just quests with a different name. Stages require you to go through an area clearing it of enemies. The enemies get tougher as you go through but they can be easy to beat with a half decent team. This isn't one world, by the way. You join different rooms but I really don't see anything different about it. There is a mode called Golem Wars where you must defeat the Golden Golem to get the Golden sword to defeat the opponents Golem king. There are a few more modes in it and they are ok. This game should be a game which you just play once in a while just to have fun.

But the biggest problem with this game is the internet connections. If someone is in a room with a bad internet connection and you try to join, it won't let you. It kicks you out so that there will be no lag in the fight. Lag is also a big issue in this game. If it weren't for it, and the internet connection problem, this game would be a lot of fun. Instead, you're thrown around from room to room, finding a room where you can actually play a game. All in all though, this game is pretty good but could require more variety, such as more moves and more character classes.

This is the main thing going for this game. It has amazing graphics for a free M(M)ORPG. The shading, texture, models, lighting are really quite astounding for a free game. You are really getting a lot for something free. The the thing that sort of ruins it is the environment and background. It's rather blurry and unimpressive. Either way, though the graphics are still pretty good. More games should try to set their standards to these, for free games anyway.

The sound is well done much like the graphics. The swords and weapons make good sounds and are quite lifelike. The only things that are annoying are the voices. The warrior has an annoying grunt when he throws one of his daggers. The archer yells loudly "hyooooooooooooooooooooo" everytime she prepares to do her powerful move with her sword. Everything else for sound is great and well done. It does have music which is well played at times when you are fighting and the music is proper fighting music. Of course, even if you're doing nothing, it still plays the same music. It expects you to fight continuously.

This game should be played only once in a while. A hardcore MMO player will get easily bored with this game. I would say that this a lunchtime game where you play during a break, but I can't due to internect connection problems and lag plus the fact that most matches take about 15 minutes.. You will be dazzled by it's appearance as a free game but this game is really quite a nuisance. At first you will enjoy yourself beating others up and them beating you up on a battlefield where you can summon monsters, grab enemies and do powerful combos, snipe or just go wild. But later on you see how shallow the game is and that it doesn't have a whole lot of replay value. So if you're looking for a game just to battle it out with friends once in a while, this game will meet your needs.