Like I said in the review deck.It is a gladiator like game that requires good weapons,armours but most importantly skill.You can also crack up the enemy's armour which increases the game's interaction rate.There is also a number of game modes to choose from so that you might actually find one that fits your taste.From the classic deathmatch and team death match to leader hunting and golem wars.There is also a bar that allows you to transform into something demonic-like that will increase your prowess.However the gameplay is generally the same through out the entire game.No new skills and stuff and the armour your wearing don't show up.However there is Co-Op maps or single player maps that you can play which might retain the fun of the game for a while.=====================================================================================================================================================================
Rakion is an action game that requires strategy (not). Gameplay-7/10 This game has no variety, sorry to say. The main purpose of this game is combat. Nothing else. It falls into traps of such other MMO's such as ther... Read Full Review
First of all, Rakion is a totally online game that basically revolves around fighting, killing etc. The most common goal in this game is to level up, increase clan ranking, and just plain old become an elite player. ... Read Full Review