Amazing game, the BEST rallying game ever
Everything is so realistic and its so easy to pick up. The controller layout is just right, the Xbox controller is very well suited to this game, its like the PGR2 of rallying - the handling is really realistic, very sharp and changes over different terrains - theres asphault, gravel, sand, snow and ice to master, each of them are different and feel different to drive one, the graphics are amazing - the cars look real and there are good effects for mud / sand etc. Plus theres a whole bunch of different official cars - old Lancias and Fords to new Citroens and Subaru's (a little outdated now though)
The best thing is that the game is so fun - it kept me playing for hours and hours, especially on multi-player with my friends, even the ones that don't normally like racing games! Normally with a rallying game it can be too realistic and boring to drive, this game keeps the realism with a good damage model but you don't lose any of the fun.
The game is suited to beginners and pro's with the career type mode advancing through different series' and difficulties of rallying. I'd say DEFINATLEY BUY IT if you like rallying games or a really good racing game which is fun to play. 9.5