Wow, what a strange-looking game.
Review 26
Game Genre: Action
I don’t think that they’re any better than the first game, personally. Your monster is very pixilated, and it’s hard to control because you can’t tell exactly where you’re at. And still no blood when you stomp on people or eat them.
Still the same old Rampage. Running through cities, smashing buildings, eating people, and blowing up vehicles. Tanks suck and ruined the game for me because when the bullets hit you, they knock you down. It’s very easy to get stuck getting shot by a tank over and over again until you die. A very minute detail, but a big one nonetheless.
The exact same as Rampage World Tour:
D-Pad: Move character
A: Jump
B: Attack
A downside of the controls is that (at least for me) it is easy to confuse jump and attack and then find yourself jumping off of a building repeatedly instead of attacking it.
You are a giant monster that has escaped from an experimental laboratory. The game centers around finding the three characters from Rampage World Tour: George, Ralph and Lizzie.
Not very much improved from Rampage World Tour. Aside from the new characters and the two player mode, the only thing I can think of that improved are the bonus levels, and they barely improved. Well, there is the new part, the fact that you are trying to find locked up monsters. Still, everything is the same.
It really doesn’t last very long. After playing through about 15 levels, it just gets stupid. It never really gets harder, and the 5 lives that you get last you a LONG time. Very repetitive.
Difficulty: Easy
Bleh. Way too easy of a game in my opinion, but for those who do not enjoy a challenge, this is the game for you.