This game isn't fun.

User Rating: 5.1 | Rampage: Total Destruction GC
As a result of testing Scum Soda, 30 people were been affected by mutating into animals. Most of them looking nothing like the real animal. You guessed it, it is the newest member of the Rampage series: Rampage: Total Destruction. All the smashing buildings and eating people of any of the other Rampage games now with more characters, bad gameplay, mediocre graphics, and it still is the same game as the origional arcade game in 1986. Gameplay- While smashing buildings isn't that bad, moving is really awkward. The characters are slow and trying to do specific things (you have these challenges that you can do) like destroy a certain car, eat 10 mimes, etc. is very annoying due to those gameplay problems. 5/10 Graphics- Are ok compaired to other games recently made by Midway (the Ed, Edd, and Eddy game, Billy and Mandy, etc.), but could have been better. 6/10 Sound- I hate the sound when you are on the menu and you are choosing the mode, it is too cartoony. You would think with a name like Rampage, that it wouldn't have those sounds, but this game does. 6/10 I wouldn't reccomend this game to anybody, not even fans of the Rampage series.
