For $20, you get Rampage. Rampage is still a cool, quick game.
·You get the original and World Tour included.
·The levels are pretty cool.
·Tons of characters to choose from.
Bad Idea:
·Not enough differences between the character.
·Not a lot of character battle.
·No special moves between the monsters.
·For $20 as a price tag, I really can't see you being disappointed.
There's not too much to say about the game. You really can't write a full review on a game like this. I've played every Rampage game since the old arcade and NES days. This packaged deal is actually pretty cool since it comes with the originals. So, let's get retarded with this review.
The graphics aren't the best in the world. They're cool looking non-the-less and the game at least keeps a steady framerate. There character models are really cool and might not be the highest detail, but they do it for this type of game. The only downplay with the graphics are the muddy textures in some areas. Other than that, a solid arcade engine.
The sounds are pretty weak. Nothing really special. The music is really bassy, which I like, and the booming sounds of exploding cars are there. The dialog is decent, it's just repetitive. I'd much rather not have the random helicopter reporting every few minutes with a sound cache of like 5 different sounds.
Controls at first at awkward, but when you figure out the button mashing, you'll get it. The only weird thing still with it is the way you move up and down a building. It's a bit hard to get used to. The multiplayer is pretty cool still. It's just fun co-op play. The thing that could have used improvement overall is the moves. Every monster has the same moves. You have the punch, slam, and all that but nothing really special to the monster you choose.
But again, I'm going to stress, this is a well spent $20 if you're a fan of mindless arcade action. It doesn't look too shabby, doesn't suck, and it's pretty fun for friends not fans of video games too. But you will be putting it on the shelf after a while unless it's the only game you have.
·Loads of it. You eat people, kick people, and everything. No blood though.
·You're naked (covered up though) when your monster dies.
Substance Use:
·You can drink but you usually throw it back up.