A great game for a simple pass time, no strings attached, just all out smashing fun... but not for everyone, just a few.
Background non digetic music is a combo of comical toon noises and hard rock that work quite well in a game with little sense and the voices of the characters floating about for you to pick up and gobble good do have their amusing moments however their range in quotes is so limited you will notice a find yourself unamused in time... Simple digetic smashing, crashing and explosive querks to add a good sense of realism to this piece which thus downs out anything that can piss you off!
Its simply a 3D game in a 2D world. Theres only a small camera pan at times so its mostly just a tracking screen centred on your beast. This is all ever so bland in comparison to many games these days although this is a game based on its gameplay... however what you see isn't all that bad since the fire looks fairly real and the dust and rubble do mix up well for that ultimate destruction effect. Cars can be thrown at all angles and so can your monster move like wise, with a series of expressions and body movements so what you look at most of the time does hold your intrest to some extent... There is graphical variety between the mosters so you'll be spoilt for VISUAL choice, all with an amusing persona...
Like I said in the past its just smash those buttons until your fingers get cramps. Now of course this doesn't sound very pleasing however what you get from it is strangly addictive for the sort of game it is, just like the retro classics themselves (which you can also play as a bonus option). As you blow away and stomp each city block you will want more more more if thats the kind of gamer you are. If your hungry for just a load of meaningless carnage then go nuts with Rampage... Yes this is a simple game very much and is more of one of those games that you will play once in a while every so oftern in between games, games your most likely taking a break from (your stuck at a point for example), in so you'll then just play this before going back to whatever game it is for some, how you say, stress relief... and don't think you'll get some kind of flashy experience with this... far from it... The monsters, although in range of movements, looks and sound are still pretty much all the same in what you can do but what you can do is still pretty satisfing to conventional gamers.
If your a fan of old retro classics and games updated of the original genre then this game is for you however as many of you know, this is a minority still. So this is one game to do limit yourself to and if in doubt, rent first... although at a cheap price, theres no problem cash wise!