I saw this game last week and read alot of the forums on gamespot from people who had bought and played it and it really got my interest up. I was kinda worried about a handheld fishing game but this is awesome. Simply fun and put together great. The lakes are so nice with great details and the fishing is just fun. You can win rods, reels, line, and over 300 Rapala lures. It plays real too as the type of line, rod, and lure you use comes into play as too what type of fish you are going for and where you are fishing at. This game is a great game to have on the PSP and I would highly reccomend it to anyone that enjoys fishing.
Well i just bought this game today and i must say that i am suprised by this game. It has some slightly long loading times but they arent that bad. The game play is sweet and just right for fishers or people who like to ... Read Full Review
I bought this game when i was over in the USA, and im so glad i did. Ive been a fan of fishing my whole life, but ive never tried lure fishing so i thought id check this game out and see what it was like. When i first pl... Read Full Review