Great at first, but gets boring later on
I went threw a 10 day trail of wow, and i have to say that wow is 100 times better then then this boring game.
All you do in rapplez is kill mods, and have others players pk you all the time, which gets on my nerves, as im trying to do a quest, and someone comes up next to with out pk on, they turn it on and start to attack you, wow has the option to attack or not to attack the other player, i find it a much better way, rapplez dont have have a non pvp server, what ever server you choice you will always have some pking you, i perfer to have the option to fight or not to fight.
Also now rapplez has a really bad weather system, you go into an location such as the cemetary, the sky goes dark and its hard to see where the mods are most of the time.
It was a good game at first, now i find it really boring.