Its nice that it is free and everything, but it just is like when you play, you feel how much better this game could be.
the sound,is just what you can expect out of this, it is basic, nothing special.The music, MOST of the music is annoying, there are few are good for this game, but they do not shine with all the extra crappy songs.
The graphics.....where to start...this is very hard to describe.
Ok, the game has tons and tons of detail, trees, leaves, plants, name it all.But the problem is, the texures are pretty bad, or if it isn't that.....I can't describe, it may be the game einge, IT IS BOTH!!!!The game engine is very annoying, and for these crappy textures (playing on highest, with a brand new alienware)the framrates are awful low, (according to fraps) and it is even better when the company who made the game admits it!
The game installs in a very weird way, but some how, i got it done, but im sure, there are many people who couldn't play this game because they didn't know what "excute win98 update please" means, which i finally found out it was a file in the data.
But to sum this all up, this game just feals like it could be soo much better, but again, it is not all over, the game company could easily turn all the troubles of this game around, and keep the same setup in a sequel, but until then, this game is going untouched from me for now.