Rat on a Scooter XL is a fun game, that is worth the $1.20 (AU), that you'll spend too long playing.
The gameplay involves jumping, by tapping your finger anywhere on the screen (except the pause icon), from platform to platform. You can't stop the scooter and it gets faster the further you go, simple concept really. The game is easier than it's counterpart because when you do a normal grind you collect the cheese, you get points for grinding, you get points for nose manualling and you can double jump.
Now there are three game modes, 'Super Cheese XL', 'Fuel Depot' and 'Skill Course':
'Super Cheese XL' is an upgraded version of the origional game, with XL's gameplay and every now and then you can collect a pizza, which is higher up from the platform and gives you three points.
In 'Fuel Depot' you get points for merely touching a platform, although you have to keep your fuel up by collecting fuel, which come along every few platforms or so.
Playing 'Skill Course' involves dodging cones (or you lose 1 point) collecting flags (which give you points and come every 4-5 platforms) and grinding.
The second two game modes are interesting new features although they don't live up to 'Super Cheese XL'. Rat on a Scooter XL is a fun game, that is worth the $1.20 (AU), that you'll spend too long playing. Can you beat my score of 129? (CR*P!! I've played 7hrs 49min!!)
Review by minimme 30/1/10.