This is the best of the Ratchet & Clank Future series, if not the entire series

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank Future 2 PS3
A Crack In Time picks up right where Quest For Booty left off. After an overview by Captain Qwark which, cleverly is integrated into the games install. Ratchet and his mechanical buddy Clank have been separated, and for 90% of the game you will play the games as either Ratchet or Clank, with a small portion of the game (near its conclusion) where the dynamic duo are reunited.

Gameplay has largely remained untouched, and why would they change it? It is always a thrill to take control of the pair, one which developers Insomniac have moulded over many years. A Crack in Time is the formula perfected.

A Crack in Time features an amazing story, complimented with by brilliant voice acting and cinematics, expect to get plenty of enjoyment from the psychotic rants of Dr. Nefarious, it's not often that games present us with such a level of humor, A Crack in Time delivers it in spades.

The graphical quality we see in A Crack in Time is bordering on the quality you will see in a Pixar film, it is amazing the amount of polish that has gone into this game.

If there were only one issue with the game its that every now and then they battles seem to drag on a touch too long, but its made up for by the diversity of weapons at Ratchets arsenal, which contains some of the funniest, strangest and most effective that Insomniac has put together.

All together A Crack in Time is one of the finest games you will play in 2009, and is definitely one you should add to your ever expanding Playstation 3 games collection.

Thanks for reading:

- Paul James