Not the best ratchet and clank game but one of the best.
User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank Future 2 PS3
First of all the story in this game differs greatly from the other R&Cs in many ways for instance, the story is more epic with more of a big feel than the other games. Clank is more important in this story line and is seperated from ratchet throughout most of the game. The Ratchet part of the story line focuses on him trying to find Clank. Not many new characters are introduced, albeit ones that we will never see again in the series, but many familiar faces return once again. As for the weapons there are three new weapons that are insanely customizable and the others are completely new except for a few that return from tools of destruction. As for the my opinion they look horrible but you should form your own opinion about them, the aforementioned armors are completely different from the other games, almost like they got tired of doin the same thing over and over again. Also, a new free roam has been added once you fix your ship where you can fly through space and go to certain "planetoids" that you can find unlockables at, and you can also go do the storyline as well. As for sound and graphics both are excellent. Over-all this game deserves credit for being a fairly fun game but the likelihood that it will make game of the year is very low.