Don't hesitate buying this game if you like platformers!
Most platformers revolve around their gameplay. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time is no exception. The game plays as good as or even better than any of its predecessors. The core gameplay remains the same: eliminating enemies with outrageous weapons while running, and strafing. However, new innovations keep the game feeling fresh. New weapons and gadgets as well as old ones provide never-ending entertainment of blowing up baddies in the most awesome and ridiculous ways.
The story starts off with Captain Qwark humorously giving you brief summaries of Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty, the previous games in the Ratchet and Clank "Future" trilogy. Ratchet is looking for Clank, and they remain separated for the majority of the game. A Crack in Time is more challenging than Tools of Destruction, but none of the missions feel cheap, nor will they give you too much trouble. The story is only 7-9 hours long, but there are tons of extra things to do after you finish it.
The gadgets that return from Tools of Destruction include Mr. Zurkon, a trash talking robot that fires at anything hostile to Ratchet, and the groovitron, a disco ball that plays music hypnotizing enemies to stop trying to kill Ratchet and to dance. Ratchet's omniwrench, swingshot, and gravity boots make a return as well. Ratchet's new hover boots increase his speed and mobility and also provide new, intense platforming sequences.
Weapons are as inventive as ever and are all the more useful this time around. One of my favorites, the Sonic Eruptor, fires an amphibious creature's mating call at enemies. It's highly destructible and entertaining, which is exactly what we love about the series' weapons. The set of "Constructo" weapons can be modified and customized. You can change the weapons' colors to fit your style. If you find Constructo Mods on the planets and moon, you can upgrade your Constructo weapons' capabilities. Like its predecessors, weapons level up and increase their statistics in A Crack in Time.
For the first time, you need to travel between planets yourself in Ratchet's spaceship, Aphelion. Early on in the game, you find out that collecting Zoni, small time manipulating creatures, will upgrade your ship with weapons and abilities. Completing side missions for other aliens in space in fun, but I need to complain about the overly-simple space combat. It's too easy and just not fast-paced or intense enough to keep anyone interested for long.
While Ratchet is journeying on the planets, Clank is in the center of the universe (give or take 50 feet) at the Great Clock, a device constructed to maintain the balance of time in the universe. Here, you'll be faced with platforming and combat, but the new time manipulating puzzles are the most unique and challenging additions to the game. To complete the puzzles, Clank needs to record past versions of himself and replay them in order to open doors or lower platforms. But it is a lot more complicated because there is an order of what switches to step on. Make sure you put your thinking cap on when attempting to solve these puzzles.
After you have completed the story, there are tons of extra goals for you to complete. You can collect Zoni, Constructo Mods, and gold bolts on the moons in each system. You can also complete missions for other aliens or compete in arena battles. Doing all of this just about doubles the time you spend playing the game. If you want to, you can play the story again on a harder mode with all of your weapons, armor, etc. saved.
Graphics and Visuals/Music and Audio: 9.3/10
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time has by far the best graphics in the series. Once you step onto the first planet Ratchet and Captain Qwark crash on, you'll easily see why. The visuals are colorful, the lighting and textures have been much improved, and frame rate is smooth for the most part, but it does stumble sometimes at the Great Clock. The character designs are creative and awesome to look at. The cinematics are highly detailed and remind you of PIXAR movies.
The music in A Crack in Time always fits the mood of the planet. When you are flying in you ship, you can change radio stations. There are 4 of them including a jazz and rock 'n' roll station. It's pretty cool to be able to whatever theme you please while cruising through the galaxy. There aren't really any awkward sound effects in the game, and the dialogue is always clear.
Story and Writing: 9.1/10
Ratchet and Clank games have been known for hilarious dialogue, but weak narratives. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time has a story that may not be perfect, but is much stronger than that of its predecessors. This might be because of the great voice-overs of the new and old characters. Or just better writing that adds some seriousness to the franchise, while still keeping the humorous vibe. Through the story, you learn more about Ratchet's and Clank's pasts. Questions you may have had about the duo from the original Ratchet and Clank on the PS2 are answered here. Although many conclusions are made clear in A Crack in Time, it does not necessarily have to be the final installment of the franchise. Some of the questions still remain. All we must do is hope that Insomniac Games continues the series.
Personality and Charm/Creativity: 10/10
It's hard to keep a long-running genre and series fresh, but Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time provides enough unique innovations to breathe new life into the franchise. From the customization of the weapons to the moon levels, the game keep players interested from start to finish.
From the dialogue that makes players giggle, to the beautiful explosions and deaths of enemies, to the touching moments in the story, A Crack in Time is packed with both personality and charm. You will smile unceasingly from beginning to end when playing this marvelous game.
Overall: 9.5/10
Despite some minor shortcomings such as the aerial combat, Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time stands among the best in the series, also being by far the best Ratchet and Clank game on the PS3. Insomniac Games threw in many new elements into the core gameplay that can be impressive to both long-time fans of the series and newcomers. I can recommend this game to almost anyone who owns a PS3, especially those who enjoy platformers.