Lots of fun, a bit too short and kinda gets away from its roots.

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank Future 2 PS3
i found this game to be so much fun. I waited a few weeks for it to come out, finally bought it, played everyday like a mental patient, but its not even a week later and im done with it. I beat the game, I got the RYNO, I collected all the zoni and got the surprise (which really isnt all that great of a surprise), and i dont feel the urge to do it all over again like in previous games.

What makes this game good, like in all Ratchet and Clank games, is blowing everything up. As guys, we love to blow stuff up, break things, watch stuff explode, and thats exactly what this game has. But when youve played all the previous games its only a matter of time before it gets old.

What I didnt like was that its a bit too repetetive of the old games, like weapons and blowing things up, but at the same time gets away from Ratchet and Clanks roots. The weapons always seem to be the same. Theres always the automatic pistol, the bomb glove, the rocket launcher, the blitz cannon (in this one the shotgun), the mine glove, and the synthenoid guy that kills guys for u. The weapons are getting a tad old. Other weapons, like the sonic erupter, I thought were a waste and stupid and didnt even bother buying. Ratchet and Clank games usually use a lot of gadgets to help complete missions; such as the hologuise, something to unlock a door, the levitator, the hang glider, the swingshot. You have four gadgets, the omnisoaker the singshot, hover boots, and a time bomb. Theres also like nobody in the game. Theres ratchet, clank, nefarious, LAWREEEEEEEENCE!!!!, a couple zoni, a few funky looking robots, quark, and these blue rat guys, and o yeah, the plumbers back. But thats it, theres usally more characters. And i thought it lacked the humor that Ratchet and Clank has been known for in the rest of the series. The game is also way to friggen short. Theres maybe ten planets, a few bosses, and the arena can be finished in about an hour.

Its an awesome game, tons of fun, but if youre an avid Ratchet and Clank fan like myself, you might find yourself saying Ive don this a couple hundred times already and may feel that it got away from what makes Ratchet and Clank Ratchet and Clank.