Though short, Quest for Booty still retains the Ratchet and Clank spirit and packs it in a bite-sized PSN download.
First off, the game is shorter in length. You can finish the game upward to about 5 or 6 hours. Given that this is a R&C game, it's a bit surprising, but understandable seeing how this is a PSN download and it's at a lower price. But it's got all the intensity and excitement that you've come to expect from an R&C game. Basically, a lot of the game is centered on exploration and solving puzzles. Your Wrench can now manipulate certain aspects of the environment and pick up objects. It's a neat concept for a R&C game--one I hope will be put in use in the next chapter of the series.
Of course, no R&C game is complete without some good old fisticuff, and you get quite a dose of it here. As usual, Ratchet is armed with his butt-kickin' firearms--although his impressive arsenal has been scaled back a little, the weapons he carries in Quest for Booty still pack a wallop. (I'm so happy they kept the Shock Whip.) And you're going to have to fight a whole lot of robotic pirates with corny one-liners.
There's also one very noticeable fact that you've got to deal with when you're playing the game. Clank isn't with you, and one of the key goals of the story is to find him. If you haven't played Tools of Destruction, the opening movie will give away that game's ending in a sense and tell you what happened to him. So, with Clank gone, you don't have that handy Heli-pak to help glide you across large gaps. Not to worry--you're not really going to need it in this game anyway.
I won't spoil the ending to Quest for Booty, but I was left going "huh??" At any rate, in spite of the short length, this is a fun, bite-sized platforming game that remains true to the R&C spirit while introducing some new elements to the franchise as well.