Ratchet & Clank Future returns the now long running series to its roots, and that couldn't be more welcome.
What is it?
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, ToD for short, is the latest installment of the action platforming franchise from Burbank based Insomniac Games. You once again assume the role of the cat-like alien, Ratchet, and his robotic buddy, Clank. This installment revolves around the story of Ratchet's past, and that of the Lombaxes(the name of Ratchet's make believe alien race), and their history with a cruel race named the Cragmites. Gameplay, once again, mainly focuses on dispatching enemies with tons of weaponry and traditional platforming challenges.
Gameplay: 10/10
I've also found myself to be a fan of the Ratchet & Clank series' frantic shooting segments, and this sequel is no exception. Though there are no real new additions, there isn't much of a point to fix what isn't broken, and the inclusion of a different arsenal every game keeps things fresh. ToD may have the most enjoyable arsenal of the bunch, however, as it covers all bases with the traditional shotgun and pistol type weapons, but then adds the more outlandish fare such as the new Tornado Launcher. Which, as the name would imply, launches Tornadoes at your enemies, which you can then control with the SixAxis' tilt function. However, the best addition is that of the new items simply called "Devices". These devices add a defensive aspect to the game, and all of them are just simply fun to use. Especially the Groovitron, which is a hypnotizing discoball that forces all enemies to dance for a brief period, even bosses. Less creative, but still useful devices, called Leech Bombs allow you to recover your health by draining it from the enemy as well.
Of course, another large draw is the ability to upgrade your weapons, and ToD has the most fleshed out system out of all the installments. Other than simply leveling up your weapons by killing enemies, you can also upgrade them to give them special effects, using a special currency called Raritanium. These upgrades can range from the simple receive more bolts, or the very destructive weapon specific bonuses such as increasing the number of rockets you can fire, or giving your BuzzBlades(a gun that shoots sawblades) the ability to ricochet off walls. The game also mixes up straight right shooting with SixAxis based minigames, which work surprisingly well considering they're just tilt based. Like old installments, there are also Dogfight levels, with ToD's closely resembling a Star Fox game.
Of course, there's still quite a bit of platforming, and the game is just as challenging as any of the past installments. All in all, the experience is just very enjoyable, and won't disappoint the platforming and action fans within all of us.
Sound: 9/10
The music is good, as usual, but sometimes forgettable. That's not to say there isn't a good amount of epic tunes, specifically the ones from the Pirate based worlds. Another thing you won't find yourself forgetting is the music the Groovitron produces, which is all classic disco fair, and techno/trance if you change your console's region to Japan. The game's "theme" is disco as well, providing a rather strange but hard to resist sountrack overall. The voices, as usual, are well done. James Arnold Taylor(some may remember him as Tidus in FF X) once again takes up the role of Ratchet and provides many well acted lines. As for the rest of the cast, they're just as great as ever too. Whether they be the excellent comical performances of outdated warbots, Kronk and Zephyr, or the many piratebots throughout the game. In shot, Ratchet & Clank has always had great voice work, and this one is no different.
Ratchet & Clank has never really been about the story, but that doesn't prevent Insomniac from presenting a good one with every installment. As was stated before, the developers chose to focus on Ratchet's past in this game, finally revealing why he's the last of his kind in the entire Universe. The story begins with the pair being thrust into an invasion by Emperor Percival Tachyon("Your name is Percival?"), the tyranical ruler of the next galaxy over, and quickly turns into yet another quest to stop a villain from achieving his ultimate goal. This time around, the heroes and the villain are scrambling to discover the ultimate creation of Ratchet's race, the Lombax secret. During the journey, Ratchet comes across a few familiar and new faces. Of course, no Ratchet & Clank game would be complete without Captain Qwark, and the bumbling superhero returns yet again to make everyone's job a bit more difficult. The Plumber also makes a return, providing another comical scene. As for the new faces, Clank encounters a strange race of invisible creatures called The Zoni, who take him as their king. Also added to the mix is Talwyn Apogee, a last name long time Ratchet players may recognize. The mysterious character, Max Apogee, is indeed fleshed out just a bit more in ToD, and actually plays a important role. Overall, the story is surprisingly good for a platformer, and it's good to see that Insomniac actually cares about such things.
Graphics: 10/10
Though the game is only presented in 480p and 720p, it's GORGEOUS. It far outshines anything I've seen on the 360, and most of what I've seen on the PS3. Really, this game is a technical wonder all around. It actually does look like you're playing a Pixar movie, due to the excellent animation. The environment are as huge as ever, and far more detailed. Ratchet & Clank has always been known for looking good, but ToD is just on an entirely different level.
Controls: 9/10
The controls are finely tuned in every aspect, even when SixAxis control comes into play...for the most part. There was only one bit in which I had issues, and that was with the tilt controlled Decryptor sections. Tilting around the ball can be a bit frustrating when you need to do it fast, but you can steady the ball by holding X at the connector points. Really, this isn't much to nitpick, so there's not much to say.
Fun Factor: 9.5/10
The game is a blast, just like any other Ratchet game. If you haven't been a fan of the series, however, this one probably won't change your mind. Like I stated before, it's more of the same perfect(in my opinion) formula. The only problem is that the game is rather short, but tracking down all the Skill Points(think of these are Achievements that unlock things) and Challenge Mode extend the playtime you get out of it.
Overall: 9.5/10
Definitely one of the best games I've played in a while, and very much likely to be one of the best PS3 games period. If you have a PS3 and haven't picked this up yet, then there very well may be something wrong with you. At least give the title a chance with a rent, you will not be disappointed. Everything about the game is just excellent, from the challenging boss battles to the humorous cutscenes. Insomniac continues to prove they're an excellent developer, and Sony is very lucky to have them.