Not only is this an incredibly fun platformer, it's the best PS3 game to date.

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction PS3
For years, players around the world have come to love the R&C series for a host of reasons; the fun gameplay, the humor, the cast of characters, and the inventive weaponry. Well, the good news is, the jump to Next-Gen has only made this game even better. Most of those familiar with the series will feel right at home. We've come to expect a certain type of gameplay from Ratchet games, and Insomniac keeps to the formula for good reasons. It works, it's fun, and they've polished to near-perfection with this game. Ratchet still does an assortment of expected gameplay activities; smashes boxes for bolts, finds and buys new weapons, upgrades them, and explores huge, varied worlds. Speaking of worlds, WOW. The beauty and artistic merit that went into creating this games worlds' simply has to be seen to be believed. This is one of the best looking video games ever
made, period. Tropical Forrests, Galactic Space stations, Lava Mines, Underground Space Fortresses, traversing a fleet of Airborne pirate ships - the variety alone is staggering. The PS3's power is on display here, with bright, colorful, alive worlds. The soundtrack is also surprisingly good. While I could go on about the technical merits of this game - and there are many - I'd like to discuss an aspect of this game that I've discovered is missing in alot of todays dreary military shooters - pure fun. When you're not blasting through a herd of Dinosaurs in the beautiful prehistoric level with your Negotiator (my favorite weapon), you'll be laughing out loud at one of the game's many amazingly sharp, hilarious cinematic sequences. It's rare that a game can make me laugh - and I did more times than I can
count here. Ratchet And Clank continues to entertain with amazing graphics, huge, varied worlds, hilarious characters and dialogue, and enough gameplay variety to satisfy the most discerning action gamer. It should take you 15 or so hours to complete your first time through, and the replay value is high. If you're a PS3 owner of any age, you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not picking up this game.