I have been a Ratchet fan since the first game and, although this game is amazing, its potential makes it disapointing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction PS3
I've played and beaten every Ratchet and Clank game 100% including this one and astounding visuals definately make you wnat to play through again to stare in awe. The gameplay is great fun and each weapon has advantages in different places (except the RYNO which works everywhere and the Cumbuster which works nowhere). The series has added devices which don't level up and work great in specific spots. Devices make the game a joy but because device vendors aren't everywhere you find yourself saving them for when you need them. Yeah, not a bad strategy except you never NEED them making them scarcely used. Either way, if you have the guts to use your devices then you'll have the time of your life with them on every planet. Because of the bright lights in Ratchet and Clank every visual looks astounding. The game is bright and really feels like there's more to the area you can move around in. Different designs also make each planet feel like a planet, not a differnt area. This game is just plain fun unfortuanetly between the combat and graphics is the thing that hurts the game very badely, the platforming. The fast paced combat, although easy, is exciting and fast in alot of parts but the platforming and gadgets slow everything down wayyyyyy to much. Clank just doesn't move fast enough and gadgets too seem to slow. Throughout the game you find yourself running not stopping to admire the visuals (except on Plsnet Jasindu that planet is a god) or even look for collectables. Why exactly does this happen? Well I found the game was too easy and because of that you rush. Your heart never beats much faster like in Resistance fall of man or Halo when you are afraid to find out whats next. You don't have to strategize like you do in Halo or Resistance because everything is to easy. The game does have you itching for more combat which is great but platforming slowing the game down it almost ruins everything! Of not all platforming is bad, the robo-wings are a blast and the free falling sequences are just as fast as the game itself. both of these use the sixas and that puts you even closer to the game. Next up, optional collectables. Wow what a disaster! Once you aquire the treasure mapper finding gold bolts is a breeze. Not only are they easy to find but all they do is buy crappy skins. Next we have skill points, which are too hard (man insomniac is difficulty challenged) and, although easy to gett, are hard to figure out how to get. You have to go on the internet for help and when you get there guess what!? Its just too easy. Finally we have holo-plans which are really cool. Its an interesting quest requiring enough experimenting to find them. It'll take you a good 4-5 hours to find them all without help and they unlock the deadliest tool of destruction in the game. Definately worth looking for. Well I've told you about the gorgeouse graphics and the amazing gameplay. I've also told you about collectables and platformin aspects. That leaves one thing, the story. I've really got mixed feelings on this one (man is there a single good game out there with a good friggin ending!?). Its pretty epic and you'll want to know what happens but you'll find youself asking, "why didn't he just kill him while he had the chance!?" Its still a pretty good story though and you'll watch the cutscenes (unlike SOME games Zelda) and admire the graphics. Its too bad its too short. Challenge mode adds some great replay vaues so you have something to do after you beat the game. You'll have fun and (although you likely won't play 100 hours like me) you'll have a game worth your $60. The game is excellent but when you realize all the potential it has you'll shoot yourself in the foot. Its one of the best games for the PS3 but all the things this game could do but won't makes it a sad disapointment. After all that Its a joy and is the best game I've ever played and you'll enjoy those 15+ weapons.