Ratchet and Clank Future makes most good games look bad in comparison.
For those interested in a quick review: The only reason I didn't give this game a 10 is lack of online play and relatively easy difficulty. Insomniac, if you're listening, I'll pay for you 10 bucks to patch the game with harder difficulties and an arena mode, 20 if you add online too. And it's not the fact that online is missing that upsets me. It is the fact that this feature was included in previous games in the series. Insomniac stated that they removed online so that they could focus more on the single player experience. After beating the game I can see very clearly the benefits of their focus. This game is an absolute masterpiece and a boatload of fun.
Now for the review...
IF you have never played a Ratchet and Clank game before and own a PS3, HDTV, and surround sound system, immediately stop reading, get into your car, find the nearest retailer of this video game and buy this game. This game is worth every single cent and is one of the most downright entertaining games you will EVER play. It is a complete package in every sense of the word and is so polished that it makes the majority of other games look downright bad in comparison. It is a feast for your eyes and ears when played with the proper system. The story is well written and the characters are downright hilarious. Is this game worth spending $400 on a PS3?
YES! After playing it, I can't think of a better game to start a PS3 collection.
The story, in a nutshell, follows the adventures of Ratchet and Clank. At the beginning of the story, the city they are visiting is attacked by Emperor Percival Tachyon and his army. Tachyon is a hilarious midget sized creature called a Cragmite who seeks to exterminate the race of Lombaxes. Unfortunately, Ratchet is the last remaining lombax. Fortunately, he's not going to go down without a fight. The ensuing journey is full of intense action, exploration and platforming through beautiful, colorful environments, and lots of hilarious moments that will be sure to leave a smile on your face. You will meet many new friends along the way and spend time battling a hilarious group of Space Pirates. Lots of great stuff to experience people!
The weapons in Ratchet and Clank are some of the most ingenious and fun to use weapons in ANY video game. Everyone loves the Groovitron, and rightfully so because of its charm and usefullness. Some of my other favorites include the Lightning Ravenger (think Force Lightning from Star Wars), Tornado Launcher (more on this later), and Confuzzler Grenades (Releases gas that make enemies fight each other). There are SO MANY WEAPONS...all of them are useful, especially towards the end of the game, and they all feel different. Combat is so ridiculously fun. If I could change anything, I would make L3 or R3 allow Ratchet to lock-on to different enemies (ala Devil May Cry) and I would give an option to really ramp up the difficulty.
Did I mention that the graphics are drop dead gorgeous and that the sound effects are amazing? Play this game at loud volumes if possible because it's awesome to hear those weapons in action. The music is also really good and fits the mood of the game. There are many different enemies and each of them has different strengths and weaknesses, AI is average on normal difficulty.
The controls of this game are simple and responsive. No complaints from me other than the desire to be able switch the enemies I'm locking onto without having to change the angle of my strafe. SIXAXIS controls are BRILLIANTLY placed in the game. I love the Decryptor mini-games! The last one was particularly fun in my opinion. In these games, you have control over a metal marble that you must place between gaps on the board to run an electrical circuit. Although it may be a little difficult in the beginning, it makes sense and controls well. Other uses of SIXAXIS are using it to control a laser drill, steering Ratchet while he halo jumps from airplanes, and controlling him while he uses special wings to fly. Unlike Gamespot reviewer, Aaron Thomas, I fully appreciate the variety that this game offers and believe that it helps gives R&C Future, the balance and depth needed to differentiate an exceptional game from a great game. This ladies and gentlemen is an example of an EXCEPTIONAL VIDEO GAME. The developers at Insomniac put a lot of love, care, and pride into creating this game. It shows. VERY CLEARLY.
This game was designed with multiple play throughs in mind. Excellent idea! I'm addicted to getting new weapons and upgrading them. I jumped right into challenge mode after beating this game the first time through. This game takes about 10-15 hours to beat if you take your time and do some exploring. By the time it's all said and done, I think I'll have a good 30 hours invested in the game.
I can't even imagine how good this game would be if it had a good online component...I never had the opportunity to play Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal online, but I heard that it was one of PS2's best online experiences. Obviously, this game does not have an online mode, but since the campaign is SO GOOD...I have no complaints. I am only docking points because this is a feature that was included in past iterations of the series.
The ending sets up perfectly for the sequel; it is a no brainer that Ratchet and Clank Future will be a trilogy. After playing this game, I can't wait for a sequel. Honestly, I don't want Insomniac to released Resistance 2 next year. I want another Ratchet and Clank game! I know I won't get my wish, but that's ok. I now have a strong purpose for beating the PS2 R&C games while I wait for the next installment in this fabulous series.
Ratchet and Clank is hands down the best PS3 game available at this time. This game is genuinely funny, it has some of the most original and fun to use weapons (an Insomniac trademark), it is super polished to a T, has a compelling storyline, excellent music and sound effects, and...do you get the point yet? I am going to eat my words, change my mind, and nominate it for PS3 Game of the Year. I don't care that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune hasn't arrived yet. I conclude that Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, while not a 10, is pretty damn close. It might say 9.5 in my Gamespot Review, but trust me, in my opinion, this game is better than a 9.5.