In the category of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it,' but still on a slow roll down the mountain.
As a whole the game is fully deserving of the 7.5 (good) score that it received and is a solid game in a still somewhat bare PS3 library. The graphics are pretty, the base gameplay is still fun, but many of the little additions don't pan out as well as they could of.
Graphics: Very pretty and shiny, but the game still suffers from the occasional graphical hiccup (as well as a bit of collision wonky-ness that I wasn't expecting in this era of the almighty 'next-gen') that take away a bit of the experience. I have to say that I like the bright and sunny style of the graphics, especially after a darker outing in Deadlocked, but a bit more contrast would have helped.
Sound: While the majority of the sound effects and BG music is solid, some of the choices and timing of the music is off. This is most noticeable in the ending of the game where we have an awe inspiring piece where a sadder, more foreboding piece could have been more sucessful given the cliff-hanger ending.
Gameplay: The core of the gameplay is for the most part still the same old R&C formula that we've all (save for those who didn't) know and love. The extended gameplay mechanics are for the most part fun and add to the experience, but some are just somewhat pointless. Fun: The foreward on-rails flying (ratchet), the glider/robot wings sequences, slow-mo/floating clank and not-so-fun: dancing sequences, rear facing on-rails flying (clank) and tedious: most of the hacking (since there's only one form.
Story: This is where I'm most divided on this game. On the one hand, I do love the move to a more epic plot line, but on the other it causes the typical R&C humor to be a burden...this is where the game has its real identity crisis as the game is a bit torn between the old and new. For the early parts of the game Insomniac struck a good balance between humor and seriousness, but as it moved on it degraded into the old humors and lost that epic feeling. An attempt is made to bring it back on course during the latter third of the game, but it is never truly brought to light. With its dramatic conclusion, one is ultimately left unsatisfied with a 'to be continued' tacked onto the end. Some will claim an alusion to Pixar, but if there's one thing Pixar does well, it's ending their movies on a satisfactory note. With Future we don't even get an end bit of dialogue...just a dramatic musical finish.
Overall: This is a solid game, that simply dissappoints because of its and Insomniac's potential on PS3. There are moments where we catch glimpses of the grandeur that could exist within the game, but it is never fully realized and serve only to tease you.
Graphics: 9 (pretty, with some minor hiccups)
Sound: 8 (solid, but with some poor choices)
Story: 7.5 (poor pacing, unrealized potential)
Gameplay: 8 (same old R&C, not that that's a bad thing)
Overall: 8+ (Good, solid game, but still just shy of Great)
Ending Note: Anyone else getting Jak 3/Naughty Dog vibes during this game? Honestly, why does Insomniac often feel like ND's little brother?