This game is worth the 60 dollar spent on it. The weopons were the best I'v used yet and they are all fun to use. It is definetly longer than it's predecessors and is even more fun. I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last. I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last.I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last.I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last.I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last.I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last.I still havn't beaten it because I want the awesomeness of the game to last.
Other Helpful Reviews for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Ratchet & Clank : Tools of Destruction is a fantastic action platformer that combines great controls, fleshed out characters, excellent voice work and an amusingly told story. The game begins with a message from Capta... Read Full Review
I usually don't write reviews for games. In fact, this is my first one. But Gamespot didn't give this game the credit it deserves. The story isn't that bad, I actually think it is the best one to date (except for the end... Read Full Review