This game was made by Insomniac so you can't really say it's a bad game. I don't think TOD was too easy, I think it was fine the way it was. This is the first Ratchet & Clank game on the PS3. You should expect there would be a few flaws when they say goodbye to the PS2. What would have made this game better would be online multiplayer like Up Your Arsenal and Deadlocked had, being able to equip weapons while on the grind rail, and charge boots that can keep going like Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal had. This R&C title still has the humor and platforming techniques people were looking for. The main thing I want in Tools of Destruction is trophy support, A Crack In Time has trophies which was because it was a 2009 game. They should make an update for trophies in this game, that would have been cool. The way Ratchet runs is actually different from the PS2, it looks like they only tried to make it how the PlayStation 2 was. He runs a bit sloppy, and the charge boots are modified a bit badly. You cannot use the charge boots to propel yourself over obstacles because it automaticly stops before you reach the end. The Metropolis music has changed, the first planet you begin on. The Clank gameplay was kind of dull, but necessary to get through certain parts. Now, you are able to upgrade your weapons' damage, rate of fire, bolts acquired from usage, and so on. Using raritanium, this can be collected by opening chests with raritanium inside and defeating enemies. You are no longer in the Solana Galaxy, you are in Polaris, which means no Gadgetron vendors, there is Grummelnet here. For the whole future series you are in Polaris. The main supervillain is Emperor Tachyon, an evil cragmite that has bad fealings about lombaxes, which is what Ratchet is. As always there is challenge mode after you beat the game. So overall Tools of Destruction is a great game and I hope you enjoy.
The Good All weapons are new, raritanium upgrades are available, the story is good, Ratchet's detail is okay, the skins are improved in detail
The Bad The Clank gameplay is kind of dull, the music is repetitive sometimes
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