Ratchet and Clank ToD Best in series?

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction PS3
I'd have to say it would of been the best in the series if it had a multiplayer system.
But the rest of the game is excellent, insomniac have created so many weapons for ratchet to use during the game, such as a tornadoe launcher, mini turrets, a nano swarmer, a type of claws wolverine would use, there are so much weapons jam packed into this game, that is truly amazing.
The game is relatively easy but it makes up for it by being a decently long game that could take maybe up to 20hours if your not rushing. The game also incorperates alot of sixaxis in the game for example, flying around, making a laser which breaks through walls, the tornadoe launcher, i don't want to ruin it, but their is quite a bit more sixiaxis waiting for you.
The graphics are stunning they are so well crafted and designed you will want to explore the city just to look at their amazing graphics, along with the graphics is incredible sound, it seems insomniac have taken the time to make the sound of the game, and it payed of because evrything looks and sounds better than ever.
The game is funnier than ever aswell bringing back captain Quark, will always make this game funny, they also have a grenade where it fires a disco ball and sends any of your enemies surronding it into a dancing frenzy, their other grenades in the game is alot of fun aswell.

Overall this is a truly amazing game that any ratchet and clank fan or any person wanting to try this game must buy!!