try not to cry tears of joy while playing this game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded PS2
Alright this game is so much fun you will play at least twice, trust me, no REALLY you will. okay this is my favorite part the weapons these weps really pwn! the weapons are awesome seriously they are just extremely powerful once you level them up and this game is easy to get through I should know I was young when it came out and I bought it and loved it. The rachet and clank series has always been good to the first to "quest for booty" the newest one in the series. I have to say this one has the best comedy. and the enemies are actually easy to fight even the bosses (watch out potential plot spoiler ahead) the final boss was the easiest, a giant blue fur ball that I destroyed with my rynoII super easy battle. the plot is entertaining and with megacorp's dangerous childrens toys make the plot basically a joke book. I had so much fun playing this if you rent it just dont beat the game before you buy it because you can just fly through it. just make sure you like platform games before spending a couple bucks for it at gamestop.