Excellent take on old school platforming with some sweet gun blazing action!

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded PS2
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (here on out I shall refer to it as RC) is a fantastically well made game. It contains a nice comedy paced storyline with excellent voice acting to make the jokes actually worth laughing to.

The story is pretty good and basic, you've been hired to retrieve an experiment from a thief and you go all across the galaxy to get it. Along the way you meet wacky creatures and friends, and go through lots of perils. There is a good use of fun interactive side quest games that flow with the main gameplay.

I'll start with the vehicles gameplay because its just great. Driving and blasting with the space ship in old school space shoot em up is great, the controls are excellent, making you feel like your goingf to hit an asteroid whilst turning but the controls are tight enough so you don't. Its a rush! The racing in the land speeder esq vehicles is fun and chaotic! The controls aren't as tight as space combat and result in some crashes that will cause you the race!

The main gameplay jumping, shooting, smacking and gliding about is pretty good but somewhat messy. The controls work but could've been incorperated better. And the combat system is messy, theres ways to aim but they aren't practical when in some deep combat. The platforming part is exacuted very well but can be hampered by the lacking combat system. Which almost deters you from the game, but the pace picks it all up. Very fast paced and fun tools to use to get through each level. Though the combat is messy because its fast, its forgivable and some may not even notice it, of course thats because they probably don't plan on reviewing it, lol.

The graphics are a splender to the eyes and the excellently detailed enviroments give you a nice full atmosphere of each level. The levels are richly detailed and pertain a cool future look that inspires the imagination. Sometimes I found myself looking strait into the sweet future cities for a while before nuking the enemies across the gap.

The weapons are another thing to discuss because they're probably one of the main ideas behind the game. An awsome library of unique weapons and gadgets really is superb! The bomb guns, normal guns, boxing guns and just guns that do almost nothing are fun to use. I find myself mostly using a nuke gun when theres a group of medium difficulty enemies.

However I found something wrong in the game that goes for all games. The repetition in enemies is disguised by different suits, but they all are the same, the harder ones are just given cheaper moves and maybe more HP.

In conclusion this is a PS2 game that can't be missed. I got it for less then 20 bucks now because of the new gen consoles, and its well worth looking for now. If you feel the pain of the new console drout then get out your PS2 and get Ratchet and Clank Going Commando, can't be missed. An instant classic PS2 game that has shaped the system!