the best in series. non-stop fun,non-stop blowin' stuff up, and most im potinly.....GUNS!!!

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded PS2
Welcome to the world of R & C :GC!if you know what it is its RATCHET AND CLANK 2!GOING COMMANDO! yes the game MUST make you laugh because it means running with (or without) any underwhere on! Now if youve never played the series I just Me advieses you to play RATCHET AND CLANK 1 first. but you dont need to finish game. thatll tell you a liitle bit about the series more. Well this game has: weapons such as:RYNO2, Mini Nuke, and the sheepanator! Well im gonna say some of the stroy that might get you in to it. Well ratchet and clank are getting interviewed when at the end ratchet says I guess no one needs a hero right now. so when they get abduducted by fizzwidget he tells about a theif stole an animal (more like a monster) called the proto Pet. thats where are heros come in now why is fizzwidget so jumpy?why is the proto pet so valuble? play it and you wont forget.